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Addi Click Interchangeable Circular Knitting Needle Shanks - Basic (6.00mm)

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Addi Click Interchangeable Circular Knitting Needle Shanks - Basic (6.00mm) not added.
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Man. Part Code656-7
Brand NameAddi
Needle TypeInterchangeable Knitting Needles
Needle SubtypeInterchangeable Shanks
Material TypeMetal
Material DetailBrass / Nickel
Pack Quantity1
Man. Part Code656-7
Brand NameAddi
Needle TypeInterchangeable Knitting Needles
Needle SubtypeInterchangeable Shanks
Material TypeMetal
Material DetailBrass / Nickel
Pack Quantity1
Product Description

Addi Click Interchangeable Circular Knitting Needle Shanks - Basic (6.00mm) - Product Description

The Addi Click system of interchangeable knitting needles is unique. Instead of screwing the cable into the interchangeable shank or tip, the Addi Click system uses a simple push and twist, or "click" method of connecting the cable and needle. Think of it like a traditional bayonet light bulb fitting - only easier! Simply snap together and start knitting, with no danger of coming unscrewed while you knit. It's quick, simple, easy, and unsurprisingly, very popular!

The Addi Click system currently offers four different types of tip/shank, and to make it easier to understand, or identify which type you currently have, the differences are listed below:

  • Addi Click BASIC. Sometimes referred to as "turbo" needles, these are nickel-plated, and silky smooth. Cables for these are available in 60cm, 80cm, and 100cm lengths.
  • Addi Click BAMBOO. Beautiful bamboo shanks with brass fittings. These shanks are the same length as the "basic" shanks. Separate cables with matching brass fitting are available for these, though they will also work with the cables used for the Addi Click Basic shanks.
  • Addi Click LACE LONG TIPS. These are nickel-plated, and the shanks are the same length as the "basic" shanks, but with a slightly pointier tip for ease of working with finer yarns. Cables for these are available in 60cm, 80cm, and 100cm lengths, and are the same cables that are used with the Addi Click Basic shanks.
  • Addi Click LACE SHORT TIPS. Again, these are nickel-plated and with the slightly pointier tip, but the shanks are approximately 4cm shorter than the rest of the Addi Click ranges, which makes them ideal for making items with a smaller circumference. As the shanks themselves are shorter, these require special longer cables, which are available in 40cm, 50cm, 60cm, 80cm and 100cm lengths.

Please note - The length given on each cable designed to work with these shanks (i.e. 60cm, 80cm, 100cm etc) is always measured from tip to tip as per standard industry practice. This length is achieved only after connecting the interchangeable needles to the cable.

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